About the design:
Like mycelium, we believe that branching out, connecting, and sharing are important values. In fact, it’s a core philosophy here at North Spore, and one one of the reasons we love to #spreadthespore! That's why this shirt features more than five beautifully illustrated mushroom species with the words "Grow, Learn, Thrive" tucked below the morel mushrooms.
100% cotton; Made in Maine
Did you know?
Mycelium are natures networkers. These incredibly tiny “threads” of the greater fungal organism that wrap around or bore into tree roots. Taken together, myecelium composes what's called a “mycorrhizal network,” which connects individual plants together to transfer water, nitrogen, carbon and other minerals.
About the designer:
This t-shirt was designed by North Spore's talented Grace Heinig and features a collection of fungi found in New England forests.